Partly Facetious: Planning and development

20 Nov, 2019

"No one is as angry as the person who is wrong, a proverb that..."

"I strongly take exception to that statement."

"I didn't make a statement, you didn't let me make one, I just quoted a proverb and bam you came at me!"

"I know what you are referring to and need I add The Khan was justified in being so angry because of the immense pressure put on him, by foes which he understood but also by his allies including those who he invited to form governments in the centre and Punjab..."

"True, but the onus would be borne by Asad Umar."

"How do you figure that!?"

"First, my friend you must be aware that there were many Chinese people present during the ceremony where The Khan unleashed his anger and some looked baffled and some were amused and..."

"Ah, to have the Chinese system of government here in this country; or Erdogan's system of dealing with opposition members; that's what The Khan keeps saying and..."

"Right, but now as the new Planning Minister Umar will have to deal with the Chinese, see China Pakistan Economic Corridor comes under this Ministry, and so..."

"Planning and Development!"


"Its Planning and Development Ministry and the more important component of the portfolio is development...and the tables may have turned - Hammad Azhar has an undergrad degree in Development Economics and Umar doesn't and..."

"Azhar is a follower, besides he is too young to reach the level of the Umar's of this world and never ever can he reach the level of the most coveted element by politicians in this country - blood heir to the throne......"

"I know that but who do you think will Azhar support now: Umar, his former boss, or Hafeez Sheikh his current boss?"

"Hey, they teach you a subject titled, be not damned if you do, and be not damned if you don't in Development Economics..."

"Don't be facetious."

"The Germans have got it so wrong, their proverb is time is anger's medicine and that's not true for The Khan."

"What about a Chinese proverb?"

"Never write a letter when you are very angry."

"See that's why The Khan appreciates the Chinese. Now he didn't write any letters did he!?"

"Don't be facetious."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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