Ministry asks Ulema boards to prevent publication of hate material

The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has recommended establishing Ulema Boards in all the provinces and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) for checking and preventing publication of hate material.

According to official sources, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has established National Ulema and Mashaikh Council for adopting a uniform strategy for monitoring and preventing sectarian hate literature and forwarding it to the provinces for comments and concurrence.

Their feed back would be compiled to establish a draft legislation to be presented in the Parliament.

The council was tasked to contain fanatical sectarian attitudes, prejudices and to suggest a code of ethics for Ulema, scholars and leaders of politico-religious parties to avert possible threats to inter sectarian harmony and national solidarity.

The council has reviewed the curriculum of all seminaries and forwarded its recommendations to the concerned quarters for necessary action.

The Curriculum Committee established under the council has also specifically been tasked to identify any sectarian hate content in curriculum of Madaris and present recommendations for removal of such content.

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2019

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