Government ready to discuss all issues with opposition: Firdous

Addressing a press conference, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Information and Broadcasting along with Minister for Religious Affairs Noor-ul-Qadri, Firdous Ashiq Awan asked the JUI-F chief to present his political demands as the government dialogue team headed by defence minister Pervez Khattak has mandated to negotiate.

She said that the government ready to discuss all the issues related to electoral reforms, economic and democratic reforms with the opposition, but the government will not allow any one to besiege state of Pakistan with confrontation and force.

She appreciated the PML-N and PPP for 'not becoming part of the sit-in', adding that it a democratic decision of both the parties. "We also welcome the JUI-F chief for taking back his ultimatum," she said, adding that the opposition who termed the Prime Minister as 'selected' are part of the parliament.

"You forgot the rigging when your members of the parliament were taking oath and taking part in the presidential elections," she said, adding that the JUI-F's narrative is other than the alleged rigging in the general elections.

She also criticized the JUI-F chief for personal attacks on Prime Minister Imran Khan, adding that the democratic people can engage in dialogue over the issues instead resorting to personal attacks.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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