Poor being murdered economically: Bilawal

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari held a rally in Larkana on Saturday against the inflation and unemployment in the country and said that poor people are getting economically murdered.

Addressing to his party workers, he expressed that the 'puppet' government has made the lives of people difficult. "Poor farmers of Pakistan are getting economically murdered by the incumbent government", he said adding that they do not accept the PTI-IMF budget.

PPP Chairman went on to say that the Prime Minister Imran Khan promised employment in the country, and he also promised to build 5 million houses out of which not even a single one has been made so far. "Shops and homes of poor were destroyed in the names of policy. Where did his all promises go?" he asked.

The scion of Bhutto dynasty asserted that he is fighting the 'selected' and 'puppet' government while asking the people to support him in his struggle against the current 'bloodsucking' leadership. He said that the PTI-government cannot give relief to the people as they are sucking the blood of poor.

He also announced to hold a rally in Karachi on October 18.

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