Users question effectiveness of trackers in motorcycle

The news of the government's plan to make it mandatory to install trackers in motorcycles has brought additional wo
05 Oct, 2019
  • The news of the government's plan to make it mandatory to install trackers in motorcycles has brought additional worries to already inflation trodden citizens of Karachi.
  • Tracker would cost around Rs. 4000 to 5000.
  • Bike riders will also be forced to compromise on their privacy as the private tracker company.

Sources unveiled that the Ministry for Transport moved a summary to Chief Secretary on September 03, 2019 who has forwarded this summary to Home Secretary Office which commented that citizens’ privacy will be compromised and this issue will be opposed as public have not accepted this idea. However, the Ministry of Transport is said to likely proceed with the controversial decision of installing mandatory tracker in motorcycles only.

Not only this will be an additional financial burden but millions of bike riders will also be forced to compromise on their privacy as the private tracker company will have access to their details (home/business/personal information) and vested interest can get advantage of it.

The news of the government's plan to make it mandatory to install trackers in motorcycles has brought additional worries to already inflation trodden citizens of Karachi. With an ever-worsening traffic conditions, motorcycle has become only choice of working class for the daily commute in Karachi.

A motorcycle owner, Arsalan said this will not be tolerated and called it as GHUNDA TAX.  He also lamented that authorities that if they cannot provide us convenience then they have no right to make such illogical hatches for the poor to appease some loved one company for the contract. He also said that is digital era and every opinion could easily assessed by sending it in public social platform. If I am wrong thousands of other posts will put the mirror for them on social pages.

Another rider, Mr. Arman added that we are already hit by hike in petroleum prices and maintenance cost of the bike is also expensive. In such a situation, it is almost impossible for us to bear additional burden of tracker installation.

There have been reports that trackers in motorcycles have caused serious problems in the past including incidences of fire, short circuit in wiring and delayed response from tracker helpline in event of geo fencing stoppage. To add insult to injury there have been multiple incidences of motorcycle thefts which had a functional tracker installed.

According to the contract of most of the tracker companies, they are not responsible if theft occurs in an area where there are no GSM signals available. Further there is a condition which says the tracker company will assist in vehicle recovery but is not responsible for that. There is also a condition which makes it binding on a motorcycle user to maintain not only a functional but also fully charged battery in his motorcycle, failing which tracker company will not be responsible for any theft.

“Why should we spend so much on tracker installation when we don’t get any real benefit from it as the tracker companies are not responsible for recovery of a vehicle in the first place,” criticized another motorcycle owner, Muhammad Ahmed. “It’s beyond understanding why Transport Department is hell bent on this without consulting the motorcycle owners, the main stakeholder in this situation,” he added.

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