Senate Body condemns illegal, immoral act of altering disputed status of IoK

08 Aug, 2019

The Committee, chaired by Senator Rehman Malik, passed a resolution which said, India as a member of  United Nations was not entitled to bring such a legislation  and UN must take a serious notice of this illegal and immoral  action of Indian government immediately.

The meeting was also attended by Minister for Interior, Ijaz Ahmed  Shah, Senators including Kalsoom Parveen, Muhammad Javed  Abbasi, Muhammad Asad Ali Khan Junejo, Rana Maqbool Ahmed,  Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, Dr. Shahzad Waseem and Bahramand Khan Tangi, Secretary Interior, Inspector General of Police  Islamabad, Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA), Commander  Frontier Constabulary (FC), Chairman National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) and representatives of other relevant  ministries.

The resolution, read by Rehman Malik urged that the  government of Pakistan should go to International Court of Justice, highlighting violations of human rights, brutalities,  atrocities and genocide of Muslim population in Kashmir.

It  is a fit case for Indian Prime Minister Modi to be tried as a  War Criminal of mass killing by Indian Army troops duly  backed by anti-Kashmiri policies of Indian Prime Minister.

The Committee also condemned alarming increase in  indiscriminate and unprovoked cross-border firing and cluster  bombing on innocent civilians by Indian Forces at the Line of Control  (LoC).

The resolution said Pakistan is passing through the  most sensitive and crucial times and the Parliament and  people of Pakistan stand with Kashmiris in their legitimate freedom struggle and "We are proud of Pakistan Army which  is defending motherland with their professional excellence in  present circumstances."

In his brief remarks, Interior Minister condemned  scrapping of occupied Kashmir's special status by India and said through resolution, parliament in Pakistan has conveyed a  strong message to India.

He said the United Nations should play its effective  role and get its resolutions on Kashmir enforced.

With regard to imposing ban by CDA on new utility connections in rural areas of ICT, Chairman of the civic body informed the Committee that regulations in this regard are being  framed and expected to be completed within next two months.

The Chairman said, besides, different development  projects, CDA would construct a slaughter house in  Islamabad.


Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2019

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