Anti-dengue awareness campaign launched in Multan

22 Jul, 2019

District Officer Health talking to private news channel said, as the city reeled under the grip of dengue Punjab Health Department has put up posters and banners in different places and fed its public information display system with messages aimed at preventing further spread of the vector-borne disease.

He said the government was vigilant and all the possible measures would be taken to check dengue larvae and mosquito breeding spots.

He said, “This drive is meant to make the citizens ready to support district administration in fight against dengue,” he added.

Health official said that the citizens were being told to keep their homes and surroundings clean and dry.

The department has devised various programme to address the prevalence of dengue.

He said that free treatment was offered to the dengue patients while the private labs and hospitals were directed to conduct dengue diagnostic tests of people at the control rate fixed by the government.

He warned that strict action would be taken against the owners of those properties where water would be found.

As per plan, the health workers would go door to door for identifying active mosquito breeding sites and destroying them manually and with the use of chemical through placing tempos one percent granules that breaks mosquito life cycle.

They will educate the public to keep cover all the water pots, containers etc. so that to dengue female mosquito may not lay its eggs in the stagnant open water.

Dr Sohail Raj said they were organizing awareness walks at schools and colleges and distributing pamphlets carrying preventive measures against dengue fever.

He said the campaign was of vital importance and efforts must be made to raise awareness about the menace.

On the other side, CM Punjab had also directed the administration to remain alert over dengue virus across Punjab.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2019

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