3rd balloting successful pilgrims' asked to deposit dues by July 10

07 Jul, 2019

ISLAMABAD: Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has asked the selected pilgrims of 3rd balloting of Government Hajj Scheme to deposit their hajj dues, passports and other documents in their respective banks by July 10.

An official of the ministry said the pilgrims can approach the ministry on 051-9208465 in case of any problem. Further information could be obtained from www.hajjinfo.org; Hajj inquiry numbers 051-9205696, 051-9216980, and Hajj helpline number 042-111725425; 051-9208465.

He said the Ministry has selected 4,316 persons in third balloting to perform Hajj under Government Hajj Scheme. This year as many 123,316 pilgrims would perform Hajj. The successful applicants had already been informed through SMS right now.

In total 200,000 Pakistanis would perform Hajj this year including 117,000 throuhg government scheme and 83,000 through the private scheme.

He said the government has started refunding Rs 5 billion to Government Hajj Scheme pilgrims. The amount ranging from Rs 67,000 to Rs 26,000 was being refunded to pilgrims in their respective Haji camps. The saved amount depends on how far their accommodation was situated from Harram Sharif. The less amount was being refunded to a pilgrim having accommodation near Haram Sharif and refunded amount is increased if accommodation is situation a bit far from the Haram Sharif.

He warned intending pilgrims about severe consequences of carrying illicit drugs with them to the holy land. According to Saudi laws, a person carrying illicit drugs to Saudi Arabia is liable to death penalty after summery trial.

He said intending pilgrims must remain careful and must avoid sullying the dignity and esteem of Pakistan as scanning machines have been installed at all airports of Saudi Arabia and complete search is made there.

He asked pilgrims to avoid carrying anybody’s luggage or gift to Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims must not carry medicines to Saudi Arabia without doctor’s prescription.

Pilgrims should lock their bags and made comprehensive scrutiny and search of their luggage before leaving for holy land as death penalty awaits anyone caught for drug peddling.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2019

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