Startup aims to use gene-editing technology to treat heart diseases

In order to help treat lethal heart diseases, a new startup has proposed a plan to use the latest gene-editing tech
08 May, 2019

In order to help treat lethal heart diseases, a new startup has proposed a plan to use the latest gene-editing technology for achieving the goal.

Genetics already play a great role in figuring out people’s risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. A new biotech startup Verve Therapeutics has come up with an innovative plan to use CRISPR gene-editing technology to put an end to heart diseases.

CRISPR gene-editing includes a process by which genes are cut out of or inserted into a person’s DNA strand. As per Futurism, the firm’s plan is to use CRISPR in order to edit genes of adults with a greater genetic risk of heart problems so that they more closely resemble the genes of people with a naturally low risk of such ailments.

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“Poor adherence, costs, side effects, limited access… all these challenges have limited the impact existing heart medications like cholesterol-lowering statins have had,” Sekar Kathiresan, Verve’s CEO, told Reuters.

The firm is currently exploring seven various genes that scientists have found leave people with a natural resistance to coronary artery disease. It plans to select one or two genes over the next year in order to initiate clinical trials. Verve believes that interesting one gene into a person’s DNA will permanently lower their bad cholesterol and cut down their livelihood of having a heart attack, as per Boston Business Journal.

“With our therapy, we could change the treatment paradigm for heart disease from chronic care, daily pills, or monthly injections to a one-and-done approach,” Kathiresan asserted.

Moreover, the Verve Therapeutics soon enough found a major firm to back it up. As per the firm, it had raised $58.5 million in financing, most of which came through GV (Google Ventures), the venture capital arm of Google’s parent company Alphabet.

“[Verve] has broad potential to address the number one leading cause of death in the world unlike anything we’ve seen before,” GV general partner Krishna Yeshwant said.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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