Balochistan govt to promote tourism through comprehensive policy measures

Updated 12 Feb, 2019

ISLAMABAD: The Balochistan government was taking comprehensive, balanced and sustainable measures to promote tourism which would ultimately help to optimize economic and social uplift of the people in the province.

An official of the tourism department told APP on Tuesday that preserving the culture and natural heritage, the government would invest sufficient amount to satisfy needs of both the visitors and the local population.

He said the government would impart training to educate those people who had already been working in tourism industry.

The ongoing dimensional changes in the tourism sector, importance of marketing and current strategies would also be part of the training, he added.

He said that Balochistan province possessed huge tourism potentials and much of the potential remained to be explored, adding the province boasted of a delicate and distinctive attraction of its own in the form of a number of tourists’ destinations.

He further said the joint efforts were required for extending the benefits from the tourism destinations to the province.

It was also important to determine the impacts of the high and low peak seasons and what the local visitors were willing to pay for the services and products, the official added.

He said the tourism was the main source of jobs in the localities where tourism took place as well tourism growth played a major role in giving the less developed regions equal access opportunities of development, he added.

Tourism development at provincial level could catalyze new dynamics that help improve the general economic growth, he opined.

It could, he further highlighted, also significantly contribute to improved land use and planning by attracting more people to new regions where tourism was in the offing to avoid issues associated with the urban areas.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2019

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