Shopping bag factories' workers stage sit-in before PA

02 Oct, 2019

Hundreds of workers of shopping bag factories on Tuesday staged a sit-in before the Punjab Assembly against a ban on production, sale and use of shopping bags in the province. Factory workers blocked the main artery of the city that led to traffic pressure on all the adjacent roads, causing traffic mess, especially in and around the educational institutions.
A large number of factory workers chanted slogans, danced and threatened commuters throughout the day. Their leaders were found delivering fiery speeches, warning the government of serious consequences if a ban is put on shopping bags. All the factory workers were carried to the spot on buses, wagons and trucks from across the province. Meanwhile, PML-N member in the provincial assembly Aswa Aftab tabled a resolution in the Punjab Assembly urging the government to review its decision of imposing a ban on the use of shopping bags in the province.
The resolution stated that there are 5,000 factories involved in manufacturing of shopping bags with over one million workers. She said over one million factory workers would be jobless in case the government closed down their factories in the name of controlling pollution.
The resolution has demanded a broad consultation with all stakeholders to take a sensible path to move on. All the factory workers were dispersed in the evening, saying that they would reassemble in case the government did not pay heed to their demand.

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