Al-Shabaab attacks US base, EU convoy in Somalia

01 Oct, 2019

The Al-Shabaab militant group claimed responsibility for an attack on a US base in Somalia on Monday, as the European Union confirmed a separate strike against a convoy of Italian advisers. The raid on the base prompted a counter-attack by US forces who staged "two air strikes and used small arms fire targeting al-Shabaab terrorists," Major General William Gayler, US Africa Command (AFRICOM) director of operations said, adding that 10 "terrorists" died and a vehicle was destroyed.
"Though ineffective, (the raid) demonstrates the direct threat al-Shabaab poses to Americans, our allies, and interests in the region," Gayler said. The militants struck the US base at Baledogle, about 110 kilometres (70 miles) northwest of the capital Mogadishu, with explosives before gunmen opened fire on the compound. In a statement, Al-Shabaab said: "In the early hours of Monday morning, an elite unit of soldiers... launched a daring raid on the US military base."
"After breaching the perimeters of the heavily fortified base, the Mujahideen (holy fighters) stormed the military complex, engaging the crusaders in an intense firefight." The Shabaab claimed they had killed dozens in the attack, however the US Mission to Somalia and a Somali military official said there were no casualties.
"We already had the information about the attackers and simply repelled them before they reached our defence barriers. There was no casualty inflicted on our soldiers or on the US soldiers in the base," the military official said on condition of anonymity. Witnesses in the Baledogle area said that a heavy exchange of gunfire after the initial explosion had ended. "We cannot hear any fighting for some hours now but... the whole area around the base is being patrolled by American military helicopters," said Abdullahi Osman, a witness.

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