PAA election results announced

29 Sep, 2019

The annual general meeting of Pakistan Advertising Association (PAA) held on Saturday. The election results of executive committee and office-bearers for the year 2019-2020 have been announced. Chairman Waqar H Haidri of Oktopus Group; senior vice chairman Jawad Humayun of Channel 7 Communications (Pvt) Ltd, and vice chairperson Seema Jaffar of Bond Advertising (Pvt) Ltd.
Members Central Executive Committee: Syed Ali Raza, MD Adetude (Pvt) Ltd; M Hassan Ansari, executive director Argus Advertising (Pvt) Ltd; Brigadier M Zubair Rehan (retd), CEO Creative Junction (Pvt) Ltd; Ahmed Hussain Kapadia, CEO Synergy Advertising (Pvt) Ltd; Wasiq Ali Khan, CEO Manhill Advertising & Marketing (Pvt) Ltd; Bilal Tanveer, executive director Maxim Advertising Co. (Pvt) Ltd; Nadeem Akbar, CEO Midas Communications Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd; Kanwar M Rashid, COO Time & Space Media (Pvt) Ltd; Sohail Aziz, CEO Message Communications; Tabish Waqar CEO Spider 360 Media (Pvt) Ltd and Fatima Kisat CEO Mediad Communications (Pvt) Ltd.
The present members gave standing ovation to the office-bearers for the preceding year 2018-2019 for their hard work to solve the problems faced by members of advertising agencies.-PR

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