Imran, briefs Lavrov about IOK situation

27 Sep, 2019

Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov called on Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the UNGA. The Prime Minister stressed the importance attached in Pakistan's foreign policy to a qualitatively new relationship with the Russian Federation. He expressed satisfaction at the steady growth of bilateral cooperation in diverse areas including political, trade, energy, investment, security and defence fields, says a press release.
The Prime Minister recalled his interaction with President Putin on the sidelines of SCO Council of Heads of State in Bishkek on June 13, 2019 and extensive exchange of views on bilateral as well as regional and international issues. He reiterated his invitation for President Putin to visit Pakistan.
The Prime Minister noted that Pakistan and Russia had maintained close contact following the unilateral and illegal Indian actions of August 5 in the Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. He underscored that these actions and India's belligerent rhetoric and aggressive posture continued to pose a grave risk to regional peace and security which the international community must take serious cognizance of.
The Prime Minister emphasized that the Kashmiri population under Indian occupation has been locked down for over 53 days and international community must urge India to lift curfew and other restrictions and also play its role in the just resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.
Russia, it may be noted, is the President of UN Security Council for the current month.
Views were also exchanged on the Afghan peace process. PM Khan reiterated that there is no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan. He emphasized that the stalled peace process must be resumed at the earliest to advance the objectives of peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan. The Prime Minister underscored the importance of both sides consulting each other on all issues of common interest.-PR

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