Buzdar felicitates Saudi Arabia

23 Sep, 2019

Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that National Day of Saudi Arabia depicts a bright and shiny chapter of Islamic history, heritage and is also an exemplary state of modern era.
Chief Minister extends his heartfelt felicitation to the government of Saudi Arabia and the people on its National Day and said that he also congratulates from the core of his heart the King of Saudi Arabia Shah Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman and the Royal family on their national day. Saudi Arabia has achieved new destinations of progress under the present leadership. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia holds historical fraternity relationships. Strong and cordial relationships between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are based on centuries old cultural and economic partnerships.
Friendship of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia holds the status of an example. Saudi Arabia has extended every possible support and helps to Pakistan in their time of trial and need.

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