Science, technology vital for country's development: Fawad

19 Sep, 2019

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry has said that the country's improving economic situation and business environment is attracting a number of foreign investors. Speaking at the Future Summit organised by Martin Dow and Nutshell Forum at a local hotel on Wednesday said that the government is paying attention on science and technology sectors for country's development. He said only difference between the other countries and Pakistan is the technology.
The minister said that the country's deficit cannot be reduced by selling potatoes, tomatoes and onions. "We have to pay attention on technology", he said. He pointed out that Pakistan will send its first space mission in 2022.
He said that the science and technology sectors have not been paid attention in the past. Pakistan was the first country in South Asia to lay fiber optic. Pakistan was the first country in South Asia to launch mobile service, he added.
He said Pakistan had sent rockets into space. "For the last 70 years we were building madrasas instead of building universities", he said.
Sindh Governor Imran Ismail also spoke on the occasion and underlined the needs of the development of science and technology in the country.

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