India says expects to gain control over AJ&K one day

18 Sep, 2019

India's foreign minister said on Tuesday that 'the part of Kashmir controlled by Pakistan' belongs to India and that he expected India to gain physical control over it one day, raising the rhetoric over the territorial dispute. "Our position on PoK is, has always been and will always be very clear. PoK is part of India and we expect one day that we will have the jurisdiction, physical jurisdiction over it," Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar told a news conference.
Last month, New Delhi abrogated the special status of Muslim-majority Kashmir. Pakistan has condemned India's decision to change Kashmir's status and said India's crackdown on protests and dissent there will drive more of the world's Muslims into extremism.
But Jaishankar said revoking Kashmir's special rights was an internal Indian matter and that the only issue on the table was an end to 'cross-border terrrorism from Pakistan'.

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