Women, children protest against IOK lockdown

14 Sep, 2019

A number of women and children Friday staged a protest against the continued lockdown and other atrocities being carried out by Indian troops in Occupied Kashmir. The protest rally was held in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Movement to express solidarity with Kashmiri women and children. A large number of women and children gathered at D-Chowk holding Pakistani and Kashmiri flags as well as placards and banners inscribed with slogans like "Stand with Kashmir," "Go India Go," "Where is Humanity?" and "Indian media is a liar."
Heavy contingents of police were deployed on the occasion in order to avert any unpleasant incident. The protesters said that Kashmiri people rejected Indian unilateral decision to revoke special status of Jammu and Kashmir, stressing that they would continue their resistance against illegal occupation of their land by India. They said that scrapping the special status of Kashmir is against the UN resolutions as well as India's own constitution.
They demanded the international community, especially the United Nations, to come forward and impress upon India to stop its onslaught against Kashmiris and settle the Kashmir dispute by allowing them to exercise their right to self-determination. The protesters said that revocation of special status of Occupied Kashmir by India will not serve its purpose and will further strengthen the freedom movement. The protesters urged the world community including the United Nations and human rights organizations to take notice of the grave situation of the defenceless innocent Kashmiris.

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