Fight falsehood, tyranny and oppression at all costs: Zardari

10 Sep, 2019

Co-chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari on Monday in his underlying message on Youm-e-Ashur has urged to resist falsehood, tyranny and oppression at all costs, at all times and under all circumstances.
He said, today while paying homage to Imam Hussain and the martyrs of Karbala we also must pledge to follow in his footsteps in resisting tyranny, oppression, injustice and falsehood.
On this day our thoughts are also with the people of India held Kashmir and Palestine facing unprecedented ruthless repression and tyranny, the PPP Co-chairman added.
Asif Zardari said that the commemoration of Youm-e-Ashur also demands that we fight to the finish the evil forces of militants and religious extremists who spread tyranny and oppression in the guise of religion, he said.
The former President also condemned the unleashing of tyrannical forces of the state against political opposition in the country. Tyranny, oppression and injustice has never triumphed, it shall not triumph in this case also, he stated further.
Zardari also asked the people to rise above parochialism and forge unity among their ranks against all tyrannical forces. The need for it has never been as great as it is today, he said.

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