Qureshi arrives in Geneva to address UNHRC

10 Sep, 2019

Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Monday arrived in Geneva on a three-day visit where he is scheduled to attend and address 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council. Upon his arrival, the minister was received by Special Representative of Prime Minister on Diplomatic Outreach Tehmina Janjua and other high officials, said a press release.
The foreign minister will apprise the participating leaders/envoys from different countries of the world about the ongoing atrocities and oppression against the innocent Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K).
During his stay, Qureshi will also meet representatives of the international human rights organizations and discuss the grave human rights violations in the IOJ&K. He will also meet representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the sidelines of the Council's session.
The foreign minister would also interact with the local and international media representatives and present Pakistan's point of view on various regional and international issues.

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