Thousands march to Indian High Commission in London

04 Sep, 2019

Thousands of protesters have taken out a rally in London to express solidarity with the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir, as a crippling lockdown imposed by the Indian government in the occupied region since revoking its special status entered its 30th day on Tuesday. More than 5,000 protesters assembled at Parliament Square in the UK capital and marched to the Indian High Commission to protest Kashmiris' oppression at the hands of Indian security forces.
A protester is carrying a placard, inscribed with a slogan equating Modi with Hitler A number of local and Kashmiri organisations had called on activists and supporters from all over England to come to London and join the protest against the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian constitution, which granted special autonomy to occupied Kashmir.
Protesters carrying placards and waving Kashmir flags chanted slogans of "Terrorist terrorist, Modi is a terrorist!" and "Hum cheen kay lain gay - azaadi!" (We will take by force - freedom!). Some protesters also reportedly hurled eggs and tomatoes at the high commission's building. A heavy contingent of police was deployed at the scene to prevent any violence.

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