24/7 operation at Torkham border will boost economic activities: CM

27 Aug, 2019

KP Chief Minister Mahmood Khan on Monday said that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, especially Peshawar will become a hub of trade and economic activities after 24/7 operations at Torkham border as announced by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
"We want everlasting peace and stability in Afghanistan as peace of both Pakistan and Afghanistan connected with each other. We highly optimistic about establishment of durable peace in neighbouring Afghanistan," the CM said this while responding to different queries of reporters after launching of anti-polio campaign in Peshawar.
A weeklong anti-polio campaign was launched in 29 districts of KP during which more than 4.6 million children below age of five years would be vaccinated polio drops.
Babar Bin Atta, Prime Minister's Focal Person on Polio Eradication (PMFP), KP Minister for Information, Shukat Ali Yousafzai, provincial Minister for Health, Dr Hashim Inamullah Khan, Secretary Health and other high officials were present during launching ceremony here.
Atta told media on the occasion that KP government took a historic decision regarding this anti-polio campaign that it will not register cases against parents on refusal from administrating polio drops.
To a query about announcement of boycott from anti-polio campaign by the traders in Bannu district, Mahmood Khan said that the provincial government is ready to hold talks with them and will try to resolve their genuine grievances amicably.
Atta praised the KP government for its decision to not file case against parents on refusal from vaccinating their children. He said the polio drops had been administrating to children for last 25 years on gun point, which was alerted mindset of parents about the polio drops.
While replying another question about remarks of PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari about performance of KP government, Mahmood Khan asked Bilawal to go first Tharparkar and Karachi and see the level of good governance there before criticizing our government.

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