
26 Aug, 2019

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first. Nationalism, when hate for other people than your own comes first." Charles De Gaulle was right. Hate is always easier to invoke than love. While there is a lot being written and said about Adolf Hitler and Narendra Modi, there is still a lot left unsaid about the very philosophy which is being carried forward by Modi and being nourished in many parts of the world not just by practising some form of it but keeping mute on it. The spread of this type of leadership is a danger for the world and thus needs more debate, discourse and awareness to prevent what happened in the World Wars in the early 20th century.
Leadership-style has been a topic of avid interest for centuries. Many theories have been formed after studying the practices of famous leaders. Situational leadership and Leadership Grid plotting nine types of leaders has been part of leadership development curriculum both in the governmental sector and corporate sector. One basic criterion that is understood as a gauge of successful leadership is the ability of a leader to achieve his goals and get results. This criterion of success raises the debate that people like Hitler, or for that matter Modi, are successful leaders as both seem to have achieved their goals and attained the results they wanted.
This further enquires on why if these leaders were so successful in achieving their goals are they not considered true leaders. The answer lies in the word "true". This raises a third question. What and why does true leadership matter if any other form of leadership also produces results? The answer is that leadership not based on universal truths or principles may have short term results and limited impact while leadership based on universal truths will endure beyond time. The counter question maybe that how is Hitler's legacy enduring beyond time? The answer to this question is only time will show its short-term endurance.
True leaders are leaders who are followed not just by one small cult or for a time but forever even when they are not there. On the one hand we have Hitler who fascinated the world through his short-term aggression and suppression tactics but eventually had to commit suicide to save himself from torture and killing at the hands of public. On the other hand was Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in Jail and without committing any violence, just through character and resilience, inspired the whole world and will keep on inspiring for time immemorial. The choice to adopt the short-term enforced, stampede and rule style leadership or the long-term painful model of endlessly bearing the anguish of staying firm in the midst of storms is a choice that will define whether you will just be a spark that burns injuriously or the shine that lights the darkness.
Modi unfortunately seems to be the true heir apparent of Hitler whose base of followership was limited to those who flourish on hate for all those who are not one of them. This polarized view is opposing the view of being a leader revered by all for all times. Thus, the comparison drawn between Hitler and Modi:
1. Socialism and Secularism- Both Hitler and Modi exploited the political ideologies to win over people and then created their own meanings when in power. Hitler was a nationalist and a dictator who created his own definition of socialism. In a speech on July 28, 1922, he said "Whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of his nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem 'Deutschland ueber Alles' to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his eyes this Germany, people and land, that man is a socialist."
Modi similarly has coined his own definition of secularism. In his election rally he remarked: "They want me to spell out my views on secularism. But, what is the definition of secularism? For me, my secularism is 'India first'. This is my secularism."
2. Ruthless Supermacists- The pursuit of goals at all costs regardless of any moral or ethical qualms is another shared trait between Modi and Hitler. For his supermacist designs Hitler indulged in the holocaust of Jews and Modi designed the holocaust of Muslims in the Gujarat massacre. The current mob lynching in India, pellet and cluster bombing in Kashmir, and the open declaration of ethnic cleansing of Muslims through forced marriages is a clear fascist mania that is so similar to the insanity Hitler displayed when he wanted the Jewish race annihilated.
3. Fabricating True lies-Hitler was the real crafter of making lies become true. Grobe Lüge is a propaganda technique that was coined by Hitler in his book Mein Kempf in 1925 to lie in such a colossal manner that nobody dare believe that somebody could make up facts so atrociously. After scoring initial victory in their Russian campaign of 1941-42, the German Sixth Army led by General Paulus was defeated in the battle of Stalingrad, Hitler insisted to his countrymen that what looked like a rout was actually a strategic triumph. Most Germans believed Hitler. Similarly, after the Pulwama, Modi and his government claimed that they had bombed '300 terrorists' in Pakistan while all international studies and analyses proved that not a single person was killed. Also when Pakistan shot down their plane and arrested their pilot in Pakistan territory the Indian army claimed that it was their pilot who shot down the Pakistani plane and made Abhinandan the pilot a hero, conferring him on a military award. While the rest of the world made fun of these fabricated claims Modi through electronic and social media convinced Indians that it was a national security triumph and won a landslide victory in the 2019 elections.
Arrogant power is very intoxicating. It is this intoxication that becomes the undoing of most leaders who think that they can get away with murder, lies and deception. Hitler faced a humiliating end. Most people feel that Modi due to the vast market of India and huge investments of the West will get away with the latest action to take away the liberties and freedom of the Kashmiri people. May be for some time, but not for ever. In his intoxication, he has assumed victory. He has pushed too quick and too far. Therein lies the opportunity for Pakistan to not only internationalize this issue but make the world put enough pressure for Modi to agree to sit on the table and discuss it and let the Kashmiris decide their destiny. A long shot, but worth aiming and striving for. As Einstein said, "In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity."

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