ANP serves show-cause notices on three senior leaders

25 Aug, 2019

Awami National Party (ANP) has issued show-cause notices to its three senior leaders from the newly merged districts (NMDs) of the erstwhile FATA on violation of party discipline in July 20, 2019 bye-polls. The senior leaders, who have been issued show-cause notices, are included Abdul Latif Afridi advocate, Imran Afridi and Ayaz Wazir. Abdul Latif Afridi is a senior lawyer and is the president of Peshawar High Court (PHC) Bar Association.
The notice issued to Abdul Latif Afridi said that he has contested the provincial assembly election as independent candidate and being a national level leader, the party has always given honour to him as and his family. But, despite, the invitation of applications for party tickets by the parliamentary board, he did not considered appropriate to submit application and instead of party candidate you fully supported an independent candidate.
Imran Afridi is also accused of similar violation of supporting independent candidate while Ayaz Wazir is accused of not participating in the election campaign of the party candidate and supporting the rival candidate of the party in visible and invisible manner. In the notices, the three leaders have been directed to submit their written reply within a period of seven days and they have also been warned that in case of failure in reply the party reserve right to take disciplinary action against them.

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