PZM holds rally against Indian brutalities in IoK

18 Aug, 2019

Pakistan Zindabad Movement (PZM) Saturday took out a big rally to condemn Indian atrocities in the occupied Kashmir and demanded of the world community and the Islamic countries to take notice of human rights violation against people of Indian held Kashmir.
The rally led by its chairman Mumtaz Ahmed Shaikh, marched towards Hyderabad Press Club from Shahbaz Building, was participated by hundreds of workers as well people belonging to all walks of life. The participants of the rally, while holding Pakistani and Kashmiri flags chanted slogans against human rights violation in occupied Kashmir by Indian government.
Addressing the rally outside Hyderabad Press Club, the chairman PZM, Mumtaz Ahmed Shaikh urged Muslim countries to raise voice for Kashmiri people and give befitting response to India. He said Kashmir was a disputed territory and matters pertaining to it could only be resolved under the United Nations Security Council resolutions. Violence, curfew, ferocity, brutality and detention could never stop the freedom movements. Guns could not dampen the morale and the freedom struggle of Kashmiris," he added.
Vice Chairman Pakistan Zindabad Movement Muhammad Aslam Bhatti urged the international community to play its due role to stop India from killing of innocent and unarmed Kashmiris, and giving them their legitimate right to self-determination.
General Secretary PZM Ghulam Mohiuddin Mangi and others also spoke on the occasion and warned India of grave consequences if it resorted to war with Pakistan.
220 million people of Pakistan would fight along with Pakistan Army to defend the frontiers of homeland if India declared war, they asserted. They said the brutal Indian forces could not suppress the indigenous struggle launched by the people of Kashmir for their legitimate right to self-determination in line with the resolutions of the United Nations' Security Council.

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