India needs time to restore order: SC judge

14 Aug, 2019

Indian authorities need more time to restore order in occupied Kashmir, a Supreme Court justice said on Tuesday as a security clampdown entered a ninth day since New Delhi revoked the region''s special status, triggering protests. The court is hearing an activist''s petition seeking to lift curbs on communications and movement that have disrupted normal life and essential services in the Himalayan region.
Telephone lines, internet and television networks have been blocked since August 5 when India withdrew occupied Jammu and Kashmir state''s right to frame its own laws and allowed non-residents to buy property there. Restrictions on movement and assembly, including a ban on gatherings of more than four people, were tightly enforced on Tuesday in the region''s main city, occupied Srinagar.
Menaka Guruswamy, a lawyer for the petitioner, said the court should move to restore hospital services and open schools. "That is all I ask," she told the Supreme Court in New Delhi. Justice Arun Mishra said the government wanted to bring occupied Kashmir back to normal as soon as possible.
"The situation is such that nobody knows what is going on. We should give them time to restore normalcy. Nobody can take one percent of chance," Mishra said. "Who will be responsible if something really bad happens tomorrow?" The petition also seeks the release of detained political leaders in occupied Kashmir, among more than 300 people held to prevent widespread protests.
The court is expected to rule on the petition in a few days. Indian officials say the situation is normalising and announced plans for a three-day investor summit in occupied Kashmir beginning October 12, to kickstart economic growth.
Navin Kumar Choudhary, occupied Jammu and Kashmir''s principal secretary of industry and commerce, said the government would try to drum up investment in tourism, horticulture and film production in occupied Kashmir, famous for its alpine scenery and fertile soil. Modi''s government has said the old laws prohibiting people from outside occupied Kashmir from buying property, settling there and taking up government jobs had hindered its development.
Restrictions were lifted in five districts of occupied Jammu on Monday, and relaxed in nine occupied Kashmir districts, the home ministry said. Still, it said there would be heightened security for Pakistan''s Independence Day on Wednesday followed by India''s the next day and then Muslim Friday prayers.
Rahul Gandhi, a leader of India''s opposition Congress party, said on Tuesday he and his colleagues want to visit the state, responding to media reports of an invitation from authorities overseeing occupied Kashmir.
Gandhi tweeted "but please ensure us the freedom to travel and meet the people, mainstream leaders and our soldiers stationed over there".
TWEETS BLOCKED India has raised concerns about some Twitter posts on the situation in occupied Kashmir, where fighters have been fighting Indian rule for nearly three decades.
Police in occupied Kashmir said they asked Twitter to act against a malicious post from one user. Indian media reported on Monday that the government had asked the company to suspend eight accounts accused of spreading false information about occupied Kashmir. A Twitter spokesperson said the company does not comment on individual accounts for "privacy and security reasons".
Madiha Shakil Khan, who operates one of the eight Twitter accounts, said she was not formally contacted by Twitter, but one of her tweets about fighting for occupied Kashmir''s freedom was blocked in India. Khan, whose account @Red4Kashmir has about 700 followers, lives in Islamabad but hails from Azad Kashmir. "I am tweeting in solidarity with Kashmiris," Khan, 28, told Reuters by telephone, adding that she had no ties to Pakistan''s ISI. "Kashmir is being totally censored. They only want the Indian narrative. Every month they suspend me."

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