Partly Facetious: ANJUM IBRAHIM

09 Aug, 2019

"We tend to refer to our experiences that maybe dated to argue in favour of something."
"Talk of a statement that has no head or tail."
"As long as it has a middle which, need I remind you, is what constitutes the bulk of a body."
"Don't be facetious, you know I meant it figuratively. Or perhaps Khanzadehs simply cannot understand analogies and..."
"Hey, Zardis and Nawalas are no different."
"Granted, but anyway I wanted to raise the issue of The Khan stating that he spent decades in the UK studying and playing cricket and..."
"And he was married to an English woman for more than a decade and has children who live there and..."
"Right, but countries evolve and the UK he knew when he was a young man playing cricket is no longer the UK that we see today."
"Well, geographically the UK may disintegrate with Brexit..."
"I don't mean geographically..."
"Oh I thought you were referring to Modi's attacks on Kashmiris and his defiance of all including Indian opposition and..."
"Well, that too but what I wanted to bring to your notice is a statement by a former British Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind against a guy called Cummings, who has been installed as a very senior advisor of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, that speaking out in public as an unelected official risks 'weakening the authority of the government."
"Hey, in Pakiland the authority of the government in general and the Prime Minister in particular is strengthened by unelected officials and...and..."
"Just to bring to your notice that The Khan has given the status of a federal minister to many unelected officials so that they can enjoy protocol and all other perks of a federal minister and..."
"And that's not a u turn - it's a straight road that The Khan is following which was inaugurated and then actually laid out by his predecessors - including Nawaz Sharif, Zardari sahib, Musharraf and..."
"Oh dear, you just alerted the ANF (Anti Narcotic Force) to your use of ephedrine compound and..."
"I am asthmatic, I take it as a medicine..."
"If you have a defense then use it in court of law..."

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