Arrives on five-day visit: Alice Wells to meet civil-military leadership

07 Aug, 2019

The US Acting Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia, Alice Wells arrived here on a five-day long visit for talks with the Pakistani authorities on issues of mutual interests and regional stability. "The US Embassy in Islamabad welcomes Alice Wells, Acting Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia! Looking forward to a great few days during her visit," the Embassy said through a tweet.
Diplomatic sources said that Ambassador Wells, along with her delegation, will hold meetings with civil and military leadership of the country as follow-up of Prime Minister Imran Khan's recent visit to the United States and the discussions held with President Donald Trump on 'moving forward.' During the talks, the sources said, the latest development in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir will also be discussed with the visiting US delegation to convey Pakistan's position on the illegal steps taken by the Indian government to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.
Wells' visit is coinciding with the latest tension between Pakistan and India over the controversial actions taken by Modi government. In her first day in Islamabad, Alice Wells held meeting with Minister for SAFRON and Narcotics Control Shehryar Khan Afridi. According to a press release, matters relating to overall regional security situation, Afghan peace dialogue, Afghan refugee policy, refugees' welfare, reparation plan came under discussion during the meeting.
The US delegation assured the minister of the continued contribution and support of the US government for the Afghan refugees with the same spirit and commitment. Alice Wells also appreciated and acknowledged Pakistan's continued and generous support and hospitality of millions of Afghan refugees over the past 40 years. She said the US government also acknowledges Pakistan's support in hosting the protracted refugee population despite its financial constraints and limitations.
She hoped that the refugee reparation would be done in a peaceful and dignified manner, keeping in view the prevailing situation in Afghanistan. Wells also discussed the prospects of issuance of visa and passports to different Afghan segments presently living in Pakistan and encouraged the government of Pakistan to explore and avail the economic contribution of Afghan refugees towards Pakistani economy.
Shehryar Afridi, while appreciating the consistent support of the USA both in diplomatic area as well as in financial terms, said that Afghan refugees are being provided with the best possible treatment during their temporary stay in Pakistan. "The exemplary relations between the host communities and Afghan refugees could best be explained as no untoward incident has ever taken place during the past 40 years of stay of refugees in Pakistan," said the minister.
"Due to the dwindling international support for refugees, the public services in education and health sectors are under stress. Thus, generous and predictable contribution would be required from both traditional and non-traditional donors. To meet the rising financial resources, combined and concerted effort needs to be initiated by all stakeholders through the UNHCR," the minister observed.
Afridi also expressed concerns over the new global approach of combining humanitarian and development assistance for refugee population along with mainstreaming policy in education and health sectors. "Under the dwindling financial situation, Pakistan's education, health, and economic/financial sectors would face extreme stress as catering for our own population is already a great challenge and a gigantic task," he said and added that the world needs to play its role in sharing the refugee burden.
Both the sides agreed to regularly meet and exchange views on the important issues which not only would be helpful for the refugees in their temporary stay and their repatriation to their home while it would also benefit the host communities.

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