PML-N terms Indian move 'act of treason' against UN

06 Aug, 2019

Slamming the Indian government's move to revoke Article 370 of Indian Constitution which granted special status to Indian-occupied Kashmir, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President and Opposition Leader Shahbaz Sharif on Monday said this is "unacceptable" and an "act of treason" against the United Nations.
Addressing an emergent news conference here on Monday, Shehbaz called on the Pakistani leadership to demand an emergency session of the UN Security Council and hold consultation with China, Russia, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries over the latest development.
He also called for an emergency meeting of the parliamentary leaders so that a collective plan of action could be readied to deal with the situation. He also called for a joint session of parliament for formulation of a comprehensive strategy.
Announcing Pakistan's unwavering support to the Kashmiri brethren, he said the people of Kashmir would not be left alone in this adversity. He added that this move by the Indian government to abolish the article was also in violation of the Supreme Court's orders.
Shehbaz emphasised that the right to self-determination was a democratic right of the Kashmiri people but India was exterminating this right in occupied Kashmir which remains a test for the international community. "This is a matter of Pakistan's national interest and the entire nation is united on this front," he said.
Shehbaz Sharif said Indian PM Modi wants to change the demographics of the valley by populating it with more Hindus. "Modi took this step to reject the mediation offer by US President Donald Trump," the PML-N President said.
"Was it a Trump card or a trap Card?" he questioned. He said the US President should now prove that he was sincere about the offer to mediate.
He further said that 'butcher' Modi had carried out the massacre of thousands of Muslims in Gujrat state in 2002, so it was 'childish' to expect him to resolve the Kashmir conflict after being elected.

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