Partly Facetious: The Buzz has gone Abuzz?

30 Jul, 2019

"The Buzz has gone Abuzz."
"About time, I mean he has been the chief minister for months now..."
"Not even a year and previously he never ever held a provincial ministerial post leave alone head the Punjab cabinet...Punjab is the largest province in the country which a political party needs to win to form a government in the centre and in the 2018 elections it wasn't The Khan but the PML-N that won the largest number of seats in the Punjab Assembly and so I wonder at the Prime Minister's logic for keeping The Buzz in this post because frankly us Punjabis are not too enchanted with this guy..."
"He is young and can be trained...."
"The internet says he is above 50 and that surely is not young by any stretch of the imagination."
"Youth is relative my friend and 50 is the new 30 for The Khan."
"Don't be facetious anyway I know why The Khan selected the Buzz. He was a member of the Q League, not for Qatil but for Quintessential Follower of the current Speaker of the Punjab Assembly..."
"I heard it was because he went from Q to N league and the N in his case now stands not for nawala but for Naya (new) and improved Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf..."
"Ah I get it. So like the rest of the 80 to 85 percent of The Khan's federal and Punjab cabinet the guy has experience in the Muslim League and..."
"And I have it on good authority that if there is a falling out with The Khan, then the Buzz will join PML-Z..."
"Don't be facetious in any case I can't imagine The Buzz daring to engage in any Shibli Faraz type of suicide action, you know going to meet with the maulana and..."
"Now who is being facetious anyway why did you say that the Buzz has gone Abuzz?"
"Well he has directed that Urdu would be taught in public schools in Punjab at primary level and this would mean the Punjabi kids from public schools would be unable to compete with children from other provinces in federal examinations as well as ..."
"Maybe he thought The Khan would like it. I mean The Khan wears Pakistani clothes when he goes abroad and..."
"Yep he wears Pakistani clothes and need I add those worn by a typical, say members of a typical Punjabi family...."
"For example?"
"I don't know, the Maneka family.....but unlike members of the Maneka family The Khan speaks in English..."
"Please, please Shaukhat Mehmud Sahib can you reverse The Buzz's decision and use the same medium as that used by the Buzz, the same medium that all The Khanzadehs now prefer...."

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