Partly Facetious : In politics it's all about the date?

27 Jul, 2019

"Sycophancy thy name"
"I don't see why you are stumbling for words! In the Land of the Pure the level of sycophancy is second to none."
"That's no longer true my friend. The level of sycophancy being displayed by the Republican Party with respect to President Trump far outpaces what we have witnessed in Pakistan in recent years."
"Recent years or in living memory?"
"OK you are right, in living memory. If I recall the Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, a recent convert to The Khan's platform, said that his party would re-elect Musharraf in uniform and..."
"Dated comment; in politics it's all about the date."
"OK it was in 2006 but..."
"No buts, you cannot, I repeat cannot, hold our politicians responsible for past statements. This is not the US though that is no longer working in the US either, and let me emphasize that it is the inalienable right of an individual to dump the person who has lost his hold on real power, not reflected power mind, and..."
"Hmm, so flip flops are OK?"
"Indeed and while I don't agree with The Khan's rationale or Zardari sahib's who said written agreements are not the Quran or hadith..."
"Even though the Quran and the hadith stipulate that one must honour an agreement..."
"Stick to facts - a signed agreement is not the Quran or hadith..."
"It's costing our country billions of dollars - we have lost the Reko Diq case, the power rental project case..."
"What? Are you a technocrat now?"
"No I apologize...technocrats are non-resident dual nationals and..."
"Stop being facetious; anyway sycophancy thy name is the cabinet. I saw them all lined up at one in the morning to welcome the Prime Minister back home from his successful US trip and..."
"I didn't see Pervez Elahi there, I didn't see Khusro Bakhtiar and I didn't see..."
"You saw Fawad Chaudhry and Firdous Ashiq Awan and..."
"Smart. I see the point you are making, that some of the turncoats came and others didn't but my friend the Education Minister was there and he is not a sycophant, Jehangir Tareen was there and he is not a sycophant, Swati was there and..."
"Ah those are men very close to The Khan, almost like family, if you want an analogy they are The Khan's children - Tareen is to The Khan what Ivanka is to Trump, Shafqat Mehmood is to The Khan what Donald Junior is to Trump and Swati is an Eric - the guy has been a source of embarrassment to The Khan and..."
"Don't be facetious."

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