Court allows Ryanair British pilots to strike

22 Jul, 2019

Ryanair's British-based pilots will be allowed to strike as planned this week, the High Court in London ruled on Wednesday, but the High Court in Dublin blocked Ireland's pilots from joining in the walkout. "The immediate industrial action (due Thursday and Friday) is restrained," Justice Denis McDonald told the court in Dublin.
A total 180 directly-employed Ryanair pilots - members of the Irish Airline Pilots' Association (IALPA) - had intended to match planned action by British pilots over pay.
The no-frills airline said the High Court's decision to impose an injunction against the strike in Ireland "will come as a huge relief to thousands of Irish passengers and their families".
The airline called on IALPA members - working with parent union Forsa - to return to mediation, but reiterated its hardline stance on pay negotiation.
"Small groups of workers, earning six-figure salaries should not be threatening to disrupt the holiday travel plans of Ryanair customers and their families," the carrier said in a statement.

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