Economic conditions to improve soon: Sumsam

17 Jul, 2019

Provincial Information Minister, Syed Sumsam Ali Bukhari on Tuesday said that no one will be given safe passage and accountability will be carried out come what may.
While talking with different delegations in his office here today, the minister alleged that Shehbaz Sharif indulged in money laundering through his sons and son-in-law. "Now people of Pakistan have come to know why mega projects were built. The real acting of moving fingers and dropping mikes has come to light," he said. Plunderers will have to tender apology to the public by returning each and every penny, he said, adding: "Sharif family inflicted cruelty on Pakistani people by doing corruption."
He was of the view that the PML-N has lost its remaining credibility after disclosures of international media. Those making false claims of not doing corruption of a single penny have emerged highly corrupt, Sumsam Bukhari added.
Bukhari said the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan will carry the corruption cases to its logical end. "The process of indiscriminate accountability is going on for the first time in 70 years history of Pakistan," he said, adding: "The PTI government will put the country on firm and solid footings for all times to come and economic conditions of the country will be improved soon."

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