IT minister visits NIC Quetta

17 Jul, 2019

Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui visited National Incubation Centre (NIC) Quetta, which is one of five incubators conceived, funded and set up by Ignite under the auspices of Ministry of IT & Telecom. NIC Quetta is being managed by LUMS in collaboration with BUITEMS.
During the visit, IT Minister met with the start-ups incubated in the centre. He said, "I'm glad to visit NIC Quetta where young entrepreneurs are competing with other metropolises of the country with utmost rigor and passion. As you are cognizant of the technological challenges being faced by the country, I take it as our collective responsibility to come up with products and solutions that can ease out the difficulties faced by our citizens."
IT Minister also congratulated Ignite team for setting up five world class incubators including NIC Quetta where youth of Balochistan is proving its metal. Ali Gul is one such example who started his journey by winning first runner up prize worth rupees 300,000/- by competing in National Championship of Final Year Projects funded by Ignite and now his innovative helmet saving the lives of poor coal-miners has raised 14 million rupees from Technology Development Fund of HEC.
He said, "These incubators bring a great opportunity for our youth to innovate in public services by creating technology solutions to address the needs of fellow citizens such as poverty and hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, smart irrigation, affordable and clean energy, public safety, decent work and economic growth."
Earlier in his welcome remarks Yusuf Hussain, CEO Ignite said, "We want to help entrepreneurial talent in Baluchistan to solve local problems and cash in on opportunities."-PR

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