Sumsam accuses Shahbaz of indulging in money laundering

15 Jul, 2019

Referring to an international newspaper report regarding Shahbaz Sharif, Punjab Information Minister Syed Sumsam Ali Bukhari said that the real face of self-proclaimed Khadim-e-Aala Punjab was now getting exposed blatantly. He said that the viewpoint of Prime Minister Imran Khan about plunderers has been vindicated. The Sharif family should answer the queries of British media, he said.
"The whole Sharif family is involved in money laundering from head to toe. Previous Punjab government also embezzled DFID British aid," he said. According to Sumsam, it has been proved that Shahbaz Sharif is the real mastermind behind money laundering. He said those put Punjab under debt burden themselves indulged in lavish corruption. The son and son-in-law of Shahbaz Sharif are staying in London for this reason, he asserted. "Shahbaz Sharif's corruption has turned the biggest province of the country into bankrupt. Those leveling accusations on others have their inner-self so much tainted," he said. Punjab minister said now the people of Pakistan would not believe in the PML-N in any case.

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