Turkish nation praised for setting example of democracy & unity

14 Jul, 2019

The Turkish nation set a great example of democracy and national unity on the night of July 15, 2016. Consul General of Turkey in Karachi Tolga Ucak while talking at a press conference at here on Saturday said the Turkish nation will always remember and cherish the memory of the Turkish civilian and armed officials embraced martyrdom on the night of July 15, 2016.
"On the night of July 15, 2016, the Turkish nation prevented elements of the "Fetullah Terrorist Organization" infiltrated in many state organs - including the armed forces", he said. The Turkish Consul General said "this was the worst terror attack that the Republic of Turkey had ever to face". That night 250 citizens were martyred and thousands were wounded, he added. He said Turkish nation believes on democracy and the constitution.
He said Turkish government is taking measures to curb such elements who tried to destroy the entire democratic system. "We will always remember and cherish the memory of the Turkish citizens who gave their lives to save the democracy and national unity," he said.

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