Young doctor's accommodation CMH Rawlakot inaugurated

09 Jul, 2019

Young doctor's accommodation CMH Rawlakot was inaugurated by Chairman BoI Punjab Sardar Tanveer Ilyas khan and Brigadier Liaqat commandant at CMH Rawlakot. After the inauguration, commandant took along Chairman PBIT to visit different sections of the hospital ie. Dialysis, MRI, waste disposal, OPD, admissions, surgical units, and paid visit to the patients admitted in the hospital and met different section's staff detailed there. On that occasion, Chairman PBIT said that whole nation is proud of Pakistan's Army where they are serving the nation whole heatedly in whatever field they are in whether it is engineering, medical, Line of Control, air or sea. He further said that he believes that this is the only organization which is the guardian of our survival and whole nation should always withstand them and feel proud of them. In the end, Chairman PBIT was presented with honorary memento by the Commandant of Pak Army.

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