Opposition MNAs accuse NA speaker of facilitating treasury members

30 Jun, 2019

Speaker Asad Qaiser faced a hard time in National Assembly on Saturday when the opposition lawmakers of PPP, PML-N and JUI-F once again lambasted him accusing of running the House in a partisan manner to facilitate the treasury members.
Talking to journalists outside the Parliament House after prorogation of National Assembly session, Rana Sanaullah of PML-N, Nafeesa Shah and Abdul Qadir Patel of PPP and Zahid Akram Durrani of JUI-F said the way NA Speaker Asad Qaiser is running the House can not be called 'democratic and parliamentary.'
Rana Sanaullah said the speaker's conduct is condemnable because the way he's running the House shows as he is there to favour his party - PTI - while opposition members are not given the floor despite requests.
"Khursheed Shah and Saad Rafique kept asking for the floor in National Assembly today but the speakers and other PTI members who presided over the session as conveners did not pay any heed to them, which is an undemocratic attitude," he lamented.
Due to wrong policies of the government and an IMF-dictated budget, he added, the business activities have come to a standstill while the people, especially the business community, are concerned over non-stop depreciation of rupee.
Nafeesa Shah said the opposition has walked out of the House due to 'partisan and biased' attitude of the speaker, adding the PM addressed the House in absence of the opposition, which shows how frightened he is to face the people.
Durrani said the PM is coward and could not face the people and opposition. He said that the way the government passed a resolution against Bilawal shows that they had no courage to face the criticism. He said that the government has the majority of hardly 16 MNAs and the opposition can turn things around within no time. "The government must go home as it has failed to deliver," he added.

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