Partly Facetious : The offending words

26 Jun, 2019

"Having older brothers and sisters I learnt that if I showed any emotion to what they hurled at me, and I mean words not sticks and stones, the likelihood they would stop using the offending adjective was not zero but in the negative realm."
"What if you told on them to your parents?"
"That only stopped them from using the offending word in front of our parents however the moment they were out of earshot all bets were off."
"In my case, they never stopped because it wasn't as if my parents punished them with something they wanted you know like they would not be allowed to attend a function they had wanted to..."
"Right, so simple exhortation had no effect. Anyway I am an avid crossword puzzle solver and I tell you the number of synonyms for selected are many, many..."
"Hey stop, don't irritate The Khan and his ardent Khanzadehs, you know they will destroy you on social media."
"These Khanzadehs have overtaken the jiyalas in their attacks against all those who dare say anything against the party leader and..."
"Jiyalas were ideological dogmatists yes but they had the capacity to become disillusioned with the party leadership, remember Benazir's loss in the elections because she ignored the jiyalas when she was in power! A failing that she acknowledged needed to be dealt with before the next elections..."
"Yes, but The Khan's followers are also regarded as die hard ideological dogmatists..."
"Right, but unlike Benazir Bhutto The Khan's cabinet represents the Who's Who of previous administrations - civilian and military alike."
"Some had their tentacles in both civilian and military administrations."
"Ha, ha, indeed! Anyway Marriyum Aurangzeb used the word handpicked in the assembly but there are others: picked, chosen, named, favoured, nominated and...and wait..."
"Right and all these words will also be banned by the Speaker."
"I said wait, I am sure The Khanzadehs are not aware of the fact but the word elected is also used as a synonym for the word selected."
"Yep, and that's the irony!"

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