Judiciary being pressurised: Bilawal

16 Jun, 2019

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said on Satu-rday that judiciary is being pressurised and attacks on judiciary are being made under a conspiracy. He said there would no difference in dictatorship and democracy if institutions are run in this way. He said his party will continue supporting outstanding issues including missing persons. He said their stance on military courts will not be changed. He was talking to the media at the PPP Punjab Secretariat.
Bilawal said, "He is keeping the ideology of Benazir Bhutto, Zulfiqar Bhutto and Asif Zardari. The PPP leader said he is only talking about human rights on the issue of PTM, adding that they should be allowed to express their views in court". He said the PPP is ready to work with the PML-N for the betterment of country, adding that no single party can resolve the outstanding issues of this country. He said educational budget was slashed in the biggest province of the country and an incompetent chief minister is ruling the province.
He added that the people of Punjab are under the burden of economic terrorism. He said it is difficult for middle class persons to run the expenses of their house, adding that they would protest against this public anti-budget. He said the PPP always sacrificed for democracy. Bilawal said they would not compromise on their ideology and manifesto. Answering a question about the protest, he said the PPP will move towards public and further decisions would be made in APC of opposition parties.

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