Renowned cleric Allama Abbas Kumaili passes away

09 Jun, 2019

Renowned religious scholar and former senator Allama Abbas Kumaili passed away in Karachi following a protracted illness. Kumaili breathed his last in hospital in Karachi earlier today, Jafaria Alliance also wrote on its Facebook page urging everyone to recite Surah Fatiha for the departed soul. He was 70.
The head of the Jafaria Alliance and former Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) senator was among the country's most renowned Islamic scholars with thousands of followers. Kumaili was also one of the founding members of Palestine Foundation Pakistan and his efforts for interfaith and inter-sect harmony are well known. Back in 2014, Kumaili also lost his son, 42-year-old Ali Akbar Kumaili, in a target killing incident in Karachi.

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