Country's imports decline by $4 billion: Dawood

19 May, 2019

Adviser to Prime Minister for Commerce, Textile, Industry and Production, and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood said on Saturday that country's economy is improving and the imports declined by $4 billion. Adviser was talking to the media after attending the fund raising event 'Zakat for Scholarship Fund' organised by Namal Education Foundation for its donors, high-net-worth donors, sponsors, traders and prominent members of the business community.
He said exports were not increased according to our expectations but we hope that it will increase due to the Free Trade Agreement between China and Pakistan. He also said trade deficit is decreasing and we hope that Pak rupee will strengthen.
While addressing the fund raising event, Abdul Razak Dawood, who is also the member Board of Governors, said, "Quality higher education creates opportunities for the youth to pursue different opportunities and making it available and affordable for them will lay foundations for a healthy society." With help from the Namal family, we have been able to fill that gap by overcoming the financial constraints of 97 percent students who are deserving, academically talented and in need of this scholarship. Our target for this particular event is raising scholarships which will cover the tuition fee of a hundred students."

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