Ramazan: the month of blessings

08 May, 2019

The month of Ramazan brings an opportunity to boost spiritual and physical harmony. During the whole month of Ramazan a psychological and physiological equilibrium is established restoring synchronisation to every faster's body, mind, and soul. According to Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), "Fast and you will gain health."
Spiritually, the Fasting of Ramazan gives the training of self-control and self-recognition to the Muslims across the world. Physically, through fasting one learns to control his appetite and resisting temptation for untimely eating. This month is ideal for reducing obesity, controlling hypertension, and maintaining normal blood pressure. According to a research, fasting slows down the metabolism, regenerates energy, detoxifies various body systems, and breaks down fat tissues, restoring health.
Physical fitness makes every day tasks during the Ramazan easier to accomplish and ensures high performance. According to a research, after a few days of fasting, higher levels of certain hormones appear in the blood (endorphins), making the faster more alert and giving an overall feeling of general mental well-being.
To ensure healthy and hearty Ramazan it is important to be conscious of what you eat at Iftar and Sehri. It is important not to skip Sehri to avoid hunger symptoms such as headache, fatigue and dizziness during fasting. According to an expert, "Suhoor should be a rich meal, to replace breakfast, and should include carbohydrates (such as bread) and protein. It is also better to avoid basic sugars (such as sugar) and desserts, which lead to feeling hungry again, a few hours after eating."
Whole wheat grains such as brown rice and wheat bread are suitable for Sehri meal because of their high nutrition values. Whole grains are slow digesting foods, and remain in the stomach for long time to make individual less hungry and provide enough energy for lengthy hours of fasting. Such foods also control blood sugar.
Differing to the white rice, one cup of brown rice enriches with manganese, phosphorus and iron. The presence of manganese makes the brown rice important for healthy nervous system. Women who take brown rice during Ramazan less likely to gain weight, as compare to those who have zest for oily and fried foods. Avoiding refined grains and products made from them such as biscuits, white bread, white rice, keeps away the risk of weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and type two diabetics.
From fitness point of view the basic function of fasting is to purify the body from toxins and give rest to the digestive system. Differing to this concept, many families give unnecessary importance to oily and exotic food items. Women specially, devote their precious hours for the preparation of traditional dishes to celebrate the Ramazan. Such practice of taking heavy stuff at Iftari, makes the stomach upset results in feeling dizziness, lacking physical vitality and down in the dumps after day long fasting. A scholar said "There is no receptacle more odious to God, than a belly stuffed full of food after a fast".
Sufficient amount of water and juices intake at Iftar and before going to bed prevent dehydration and thirst during hot summer days of Ramazan. Drinking a lot of water also save faster from headache and constipation. On the other hand, extra cups of tea can make skin dry and dehydrated. A glass of mango (or any seasonal fruit) smoothie made from blending yoghurt and mango slices (natural sugar) are enough to regenerate lost energy. To avoid feeling fidgety and restless, drink a glass of milk before going to bed or add it to your Sehri time meal. For those allergic to milk can take yoghurt as an alternative.
A glass of lemonade has a treasure of vitamin C, which prevent bad temper and anxiety during fasting. Health booster fresh fruit juices (not canned juices) provide immediate energy to body cells as well as to help digestion of foods. Replacing khatai powder or spicy chat masala to lemon juice in Channa chaat can enhance its nutrition values. Adding Bananas to fruit chat prevent lack of potassium during fasting. Including chopped or solid spinach in the mixture of Pakoras ensures appropriate supply of magnesium, foliate and iron during the whole Ramazan.
Well-balanced and simple diet reduces the chances of heartburning and indigestion. Fried and spicy foods are main causes of stomach aches and indigestion during Ramazan. Experts suggest eating foods rich in fiber such as whole wheat bread, vegetables, humus, beans and fruits. These foods trigger muscular action, churning and mixing of food, breaking it into small particles, and thus help reduce the stomach aches.
Eating protein containing foods help ensure normal working of the stomach. Fish, chicken, and legumes are good sources of proteins. Fish is also an excellent source of Omega 3 fats, which prevent mood disorders and alleviate brain activities during fasting. During Ramazan nights Lahori fish is a popular feast in Lahore.
Dates are excellent source of sugar, potassium, fiber, carbohydrates and magnesium. Dates are known as provider of "refreshing burst of energy" and ideal for restoring blood sugar level. In Saudi Arabia, Dates and Luban (drink made from yoghurt) are compulsory items of Iftari. In Egypt, to regenerate lost energy, a traditional food item "Konafa" includes at Iftar times. It's a cake like food made from Wheat, nuts, raisin and syrup of sugar, honey, cinnamon, rose water and lime juice. In Turkey, fresh pide bread is a popular Ramazan cuisine. It is made from flour, dry yeast, olive oil and black n white sesame seeds. Experts suggest having afternoon sleep, eating gently at Iftar, taking a walk for 15 minutes after Iftar, can keep your body fit and healthy throughout the Ramazan.
Blessings of fasting
To minimize chances of sickness and to maximise the blessings of fasting, it is important to have a complete knowledge of eating the right food and balanced diet. People with different health related issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, weak digestive system, obesity and kidney stones etc should give extra attention to their food consumption during Ramazan. Even healthy persons also keep in mind that Islam gives importance to eat healthy foods and forbid overeating.
Fasting often causes stomach acidity, heaviness and a sour mouth. Foods rich in fibers help to overcome stomach related problems. These foods cause the muscles to start working by digestion and reduce the amount of acid by form in the stomach. Nutritious diet during the Ramazan provides all the essential nutrients and energy required to keep you fresh and healthy.
To remain healthy during Ramazan, normal quantities of food from the major food groups: bread and cereal, milk and dairy product, poultry, bean, vegetable and fruit should be part of your Iftar and Sehri. When looking for nutritious food diet beans/legumes must be your first choice on Iftar. Beans are included among 25 super foods. There are variety of beans such as garbanzo bean (chickpeas), black beans, butter beans, white beans and Red kidney beans.
Recent research confirms that black, red and brown beans are richest in heart-healthy, cancer-protective antioxidants. Most beans are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, and the carbohydrates they contain are slowly digested, with a gentler effect on blood-sugar levels. That makes beans especially filling and satisfying, even though they are low in calories-about 100 to 125 calories per half-cup serving. Hearty, protein-packed and toothsome, beans closely match meat's nutrition and flavour profile, without the additional dose of saturated fat. Beans also have 'anti-aging' agents or antioxidants.
The fiber in chickpeas (garbanzo bean) reduces the strain on your intestine, reducing the risk of painful diverticulitis disease and constipation. People who eat legumes are less likely to become type 2 diabetic. Chickpeas are an excellent source of the essential trace element molybdenum. They are a very good source of fiber, folic acid, and manganese. Enjoying as little as 1/2 cup of chickpeas daily can keep you feeling full and consuming fewer calories.
Variety of foods is made from the combination of beans and chickpeas during the Ramazan including salads, pasta, curries, dips (eg hummus), and Afghani kebabs. Chickpea flour (also called gram) is gluten-free and can be used to make pakoras. Milk and milk products such as cheese, yoghurt, buttermilk, and Lassi are also important sources of protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. Milk is good to boost energy and helps to keep soreness at bay while replenishing fluids that you lost during fasting.
Yoghurt is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including B-12. Research shows yoghurt strengthens and stabilises the immune system. Yogurt combines with honey is beneficial desert of Sehri. Making yogurt at home is healthier than buying yogurt from the store preparing yogurt at home is very simple and easy. In a heavy bottom pot, dissolve one teaspoon of the powder milk in half-liter milk and heat on a medium heat to warm.
Make sure that the milk is in the right temperature. If it is cold, it will not ferment. Now take two-table spoon of yogurt, mix with some warm milk before you add it to the pot, and stir to dissolve and mix in the pot milk, cover with the lid. If you have an old blanket cover the pot and leave it in a warm place, where it will not be touched or moved for at least 8 hours. Enjoy healthy Ramazan.

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