IsDB team meets Hafeez

03 May, 2019

An Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) delegation, led by President Dr Bandar M H Hajjar, called on Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh. The meeting was preceded by signing of grant agreements for "Operationalisation of EXIM Bank of Pakistan (EXIMBP)" and "Support Enhancing Agricultural Production using Efficient Irrigation System in Baluchistan, Pakistan" Projects. During last week an oil credit facility of $551 million has already been signed, says a press release issued here on Thursday.
The advisor informed the President IsDB of the concrete policy measures introduced by the government for improving the economic and fiscal situation in the country in general and the current account situation in particular.
He emphasized that the Government has finalized its strategy to deliver on Medium Term Economic Frameworks Targets to be agreed with IMF team already in Pakistan for technical discussions for a three year programme.
He appreciated the role played by the Islamic Development Bank as a leader in Islamic Finance and promoting global development that is supported by Sharia complaint long-term sustainable and ethical financing structures.-PR

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