DTI sends talented trainees to ADGAS in UAE

29 Apr, 2019

Talented Welder Mates from Descon Technical Institute (DTI) were part of the mobilization to UAE for the Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Co Limited (ADGAS) Shutdown. Most of these trainees completed their training in welding under the programs of PSDF and NAVTTC.
DTI provides education and training in vocational and technical skills to the underprivileged and unemployed of Pakistan. Once training has been completed DTI helps these trainees in finding job placements. As part of their efforts to promote internal talent, 32 qualified Welder Mates from DTI were mobilized this year. In order to qualify, the candidates went through a 3-month technical training program and received hands-on experience at the DTI welding facility. The 32 candidates then cleared both Descon's panel interviews and client Interviews.
Speaking about the trainees' success, Murtuza Ali, General Manager DTI stated, "We are really proud to be sending DTI trained resources on an overseas shutdown. The success of the trainees in being chosen for the ADGAS Shutdown reflects positively on the rigorous training and practical experience that we impart to our students. It is truly a validation of the effectiveness of our programs."
DTI has been in operation since 1998 and has trained more than 30,000 workers in more than 20 different professional trades. DTI's curriculums are based on a blend of basic minimum theory and extensive hands-on training.-PR

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