There's a solution in sight

29 Apr, 2019

The induction of Dr Hafeez Shaikh in the federal cabinet speaks volumes about the dearth of the required talent in the PTI itself. How unfortunate it is that prime minister Imran Khan has failed to successfully persuade former finance minister Asad Umar to accept some other portfolio. Be that as it may, Business Recorder op-ed writers Huzaima Bukhari and Dr Ikramul Haq have recently prescribed a solution to a plethora of economic issues. According to them, "PTI must understand that institutional reforms are sine qua non for achieving sustainable economic growth leading to better revenues. The elitist structure is the main hurdle that needs to be dismantled. Revenues are byproduct of growth, which is being retarded by ill-advised policies of austerity and creation of fear by PTI Government. Threatening the existing businesses through FBR/FIA/NAB or refraining the prospective local and foreign investors by way of hostile policies, laws, rules and regulations is a sure recipe for economic disaster and this is what has been done so far by the inexperienced PTI team that is relying heavily on bureaucracy."
I fully endorse their viewpoint and request the PM to show greater appreciation of the situation.

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