'Government should supervise, subsidise educational institutions'

09 Apr, 2019

The educationists and academia on Monday stressed that the government should supervise and subsidise the educational institutions if it wants to increase the literacy rate in the country on practical grounds. They said this during a seminar titled 'Quality Education and Our Responsibilities' organised by Education Forum Islamabad, which was attended by various stakeholders including educationists, parents and representatives of different private and public sector education associations.
The participants stressed if the government is serious to increase the quality of education then it should enhance the existing facilities in the public sector educational institutions. "It's very regretting that currently around 80 students are getting education while sitting in each room," said a speaker Sadaf Zahra, adding that providing standard education in such mess atmosphere is impossible. Zahra recalled that the situation in this regard in the private educational institutions was, however, better as they classified 20 students in each section.
While highlighting the overwhelming issues in the country education system, an education expert Dr Akbar Yazdani said that the quality education, especially in pubic sector, is on the verge of collapse. He suggested that only tall claims being made by incumbent government, like predecessors, are not enough but it's time to do some adequate practical measures to raise the literacy level in the country.
"Currently, over 2.5 million children are out of schools and bringing them in schools is the daunting task for the government," Dr Yazdani recalled suggesting that the government should take private educational organisations on board. President All Pakistan School and College Association Dr Zohfran Ilhai said that 25 percent of private schools' outlets are running in rented or leased buildings and spending major chunk of the fee, they accumulated from their students, on buildings' rents and other utilities.
A parent Mahmoona Shahid said that due to unavailability of proper facilities and quality education in government schools, the parents are compelled to turn to private sector educations. She referred some reports. According to which, many public sector educational institutions in Punjab, Sindh and even in Islamabad don't have boundary walls and toilets.
"No doubt the private educational outlets are charging heavy fees but in return they are providing quality education which makes students enable to compete successfully on international forums," she claimed, adding that conducive study environment as well satisfactory security arrangements in private schools also appeal to the parents to make such choices.

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