Cuban envoy pays courtesy call on FM

27 Mar, 2019

The Cuban Ambassador to Pakistan Gabriel Tiel Capote paid a courtesy call on the Foreign Minister this afternoon. Ambassador Tiel Capote conveyed the well wishes of the Cuban leadership to the government and people of Pakistan. He also briefed the Foreign Minister about the recent developments in Havana including the approval of the new constitution.
Welcoming the Cuban Ambassador, the Foreign Minister reciprocated the warms sentiments and well wishes for the government and people of Cuba. Foreign Minister recalled the historically warm relations between the two countries and expressed appreciation for the Cuban medical assistance in wake of the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Foreign Minister reiterated the invitation extended to his Cuban counterpart for visit to Pakistan to further strengthen the bilateral ties, says a press release issued here on Tuesday.
The foreign minister also shared Pakistan's perspective on the regional situation following the Pulwama incident. He expressed Pakistan's resolve and commitment to promote peace and stability in the region.-PR

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