Two brothers among three killed in Mardan

27 Mar, 2019

Three persons, including two brothers, lost their lives and three others sustained injuries in a firing incident in Mardan on Tuesday. Police said two groups, who were cousins, exchanged fire in Gharibabad, Mayar area in the limits of Hoti Police Station district Mardan after a verbal dispute among women from the two sides.
Two brothers from one group, Anwar Ali and Qaiser Ali, and one person from other group, Hazrat Ali, died on the spot in the firing incident, while three other persons, including two passers-by, sustained injuries. The deceased persons were cousins and they clashed over a women's issue. The assailants escaped from the scene after the firing. Police have filed a case and are conducting raids to arrest the culprits.
The Rescue 1122 personnel shifted the bodies and the injured to Mardan Medical Complex. After the incident, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Operations, Mushtaq Ahmed, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) City, Ali bin Tariq along with a heavy contingent of police reached the spot and arrested several suspects and confiscated their arms.

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