Siraj for meaningful change in country

27 Mar, 2019

Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that a movement similar to the Pakistan movement was required at this time to bring about a meaningful change in the country. According to media cell of JI at Mansoora he was addressing the Pakistani community in Khubr and Jobeil during his current visit to Saudi Arabia.
He said there was need for a change which ensured just and equitable distribution of resources, the supremacy of the constitution and the law and provision of basic facilities of education, health and jobs to the masses. He said that such a change could be brought about only by the Jamaat-e-Islami.
Sirajul Haq said that the overseas Pakistanis were the unofficial ambassadors of the country abroad. They earned foreign exchange through hard work and sent remittances to their home. Therefore, he said, it was the government responsibility to protect the rights of the overseas Pakistanis. He said the Pakistanis working abroad had serious complaints about the working of their government and its institutions. He said that like he people at home, the overseas Pakistanis had high expectations from the PTI government but they seemed to have been disappointed over the poor performance and wrong policies of the government.
Sirajul Haq said that the overseas Pakistanis were facing problems of the education of their children and the government should take necessary steps in that direction. He said the Pakistanis working abroad also faced difficulties in shifting the bodies of their deceased relatives to the country as the Pakistani embassies were not cooperative. He said the government should make every effort to solve such problems of the people.

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